Thursday, December 2, 2010

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Stop smoking forever

If you're wondering how to quit smoking, this article is for you. You will learn effective methods to quit. Once and for all.
Cigarette smoking is probably the most widespread habit among the Poles. After the tobacco back to happy men and women, have the kids burn, burn, and old men. Many a smoker with nicotine lived most of his life. Let us not be deceived, however, that if so many smokers are in old age, that smoking is completely harmless.

why smoking harms?

Cigarettes contain many harmful substances. It is primarily nicotine, which acts like a drug - makes us physically. But more damaging are the tar, which are formed when burning tobacco contained in cigarettes. tar is largely responsible for the formation of tumors. But cigarettes are not only the risk of cancer. Smoking causes numerous diseases of the circulatory system, increases the risk of heart attack. Smokers often suffer from ulcers and gastrointestinal disease. They also have fertility problems - a woman's cigarette smoking is a factor increasing the risk of problems with the pregnancy, as well as with the birth of a healthy child. So let's quit. But how?

Stop smoking immediately

Top smokefree spontaneously. Why? If you start planning that you stop smoking, for example, in the New Year, a few days before that date, you start to get stressed and obsessively thinking about smoking. Studies have shown that smokers who are planning to break the habit, they start to smoke more - subconsciously want to spare to enjoy the forbidden pleasure. Do not wait until Monday so that the new year - quit smoking now!

Tell everyone that you throw burning

Each provision is easier to implement, if you tell others about it. No one wants to be seen as weak-willed person, niesłowną and inconsequential. On his quitting smoking so tell all your friends and family - will be harder to reach for the presence of a cigarette.

Avoid situations where you smoke

Each smoker has other habits associated with addiction. Some people in times of stress odpalają one cigarette after another, others will sit in a chair with coffee and a cigarette. Still others most often reach for a cigarette at social gatherings. Identify your habits associated with cigarette smoking, and you will be easier to quit. If smoke in moments of boredom and quiet, look for extra-curricular activities - most sports or language course. It will be a double benefit.

Reach for the preparations to facilitate the fight against addiction

Although smoking cessation is the most important strong will and motivation, you could use your support. The pharmacies will find chewing gum and nicotine patches, for heavy smokers are also pills and supplements. In the fight against addiction can also help electronic cigarette that delivers nicotine to the body clean with no tar, which is less harmful than traditional products the tobacco industry.


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