young electronics - a set of electronic components to allow for self-construction of simple systems for complete beginners in the field of children.
set of characteristics:
- Electronic components - cubes of hardwood (Tekstolit, hard rubber, plastic) containing elements of real, screws and nuts used for joining the system and (under) a magnet providing mounting element on the array assembly. Most ankle elements have a dimension of 20x40x6mm.
- Nailboard A4 size - plywood 3 - 4 mm, is glued on top of sheet iron (ie zinc) 0.3 - 0.5 mm - all painted or covered with colored paper.
- connecting tubes - a maximum of flexible insulated copper cable (about 0.5 mm) connectors oczkowymi completed. I recommend a very flexible cord LIFY - 0.50 mm. At the beginning of just about 20 episodes of 10 cm and 5 - 10 intervals of 20 cm.
- Installation Schemes - A4 sheet of paper with rozrysowanymi outlines the elements and connections between them. Card is wearing the foil is placed on the mounting plate, and on a piece of chipboard elements.
- Attaching and connecting elements - mount with magnets seems to be an optimal solution. Fitting is permanent and any place. Neodymium magnets round (groszowy expenditure) with a diameter of 10 mm and a height of 4 mm are adequate. For some components (antenna, battery, capacitor are mounted on the two magnets. Many variants of combining elements of the simplest and at the same time ensuring the sustainability of a screw connection - connector. Such a merger at the time the strain the patience of some of the young designer, but you can survive it! Alternative radio systems, or other socket type socket assemblies - plug do not work, because in place of the one screw (which can connect up to 4 cables) would have to use 3 - 4 such outlet - an average of 6 - 9 sockets to the element x 25 - 50 items! It is noteworthy that the length of the screws protruding from the ankle - should be fit for the two nuts and four connectors - should be about 15 mm.
- Scope - practically not limited in relation to what little interest in the constructor.
set of elements
Basic (for starters) version is aimed at constructing a simple radio receivers: detektorowych, a - dwutranzystorowych, reactionary, etc. Set includes ferrite antenna - input circuit calculated on receipt of long waves. At this point it opens up the possibility of modifying the first: choosing the appropriate number of turns or coils constructed a new entrance, we can experiment in the receipt of various other frequencies.
Educational Issues:
kit allows introduction of the young, several years of consumer electronics brand in the affairs of the basic: a simple power supply circuit bulbs, LED with a switch and a potentiometer, buzzer, etc. A valuable complement to the set may be a simple measuring instrument (preferably analog). After mastering the basic concepts of electricity and electronics, we can accustom the young designer to carry out practical arrangements with the use of printed circuit boards. Another advantage of the set, it is possible to verify the functioning of systems before it is mounted on the PCB.
design module is transparent - our milusiński not blindly combines cubes with unknown contents, but take note of the appearance of electronic components and methods of their incorporation in the system.
list of the factors used in the present set of "start":
- Transistors: ASY 34 - pnp, mcz - recovery from old electronic equipment. You can of course be used successfully and often with better results in later generations of transistors.
- LED - any Germans - Blade.
- LED - any - 2 pcs.
- Capacitors - 100P, 1n, 10n, 680n, 1 - 10 - 100 - 1000 micro.
- Resistors - 10ohm, 1k, 3k, 7,5 k, 10k, 50k, 100k.
- Potentiometers - 4.7k, 47k.
- Buzzer - 12V.
- Power - 4 AA batteries.
- Headphones - 2 channel radio
- ferrite antenna - bar 10 x 140 mm. Coil input circuit: 6 sections of 30 zw. 0.2 mm DNE (better WCZ faces.) From Lay off after the first 30 zw. Reaction coil: 30 zw. shifted to the ferrite rod.
- variable capacitor - any receiver with the scope of medium and long term. Is indicated for the unit comprising a capacitor in the VHF range. The kit is used czterosekcyjny capacitor: two sections of 40 pF, a 360 pF and a 300pF.
few patterns to get started:
all systems are checked before publication VIRTUALLY!
Sample execution (the next will be published in future posts in the category of Young ELEKTRONIK - educational kit) :
A - Receiver detektorowy - 3 stages of submission
Postcard from redrawn a model - diagram on the board assembly.
In the second stage we select and arrange the elements of the receiver in place.
Now simply combine elements of cables, headphones on his ears and turning slowly looking capacitor station. In the case of this receiver condition for success is good grounding and antenna from 1920 to 1930 m.
B - Receiver with first transistor
the diagram is missing the connection assembly with a coil of variable capacitor input circuit - the picture of the assembled pipe is visible.
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