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KBA will be present with the regiment Ilza seventeenth century. Welcome!
The event:
Day One - Saturday 2.05. 2009
14.00 - 14.30
-parade of troops participating in the tournament, the ceremonial entrance court of Queen Bona, Castellan welcome address, referred to Queen Bona,
tournament-opening ceremony will welcome the guests, speeches, occasional (Lower Castle),
14.30 - 15.30
-Presentation songs and dance music performed by the former court and the court of Queen Bona castellan,
15.30 - 16.00
-parade drills and battle royal troops (halberdiers, musketeers, soldiers fighting two-handed swords)
16.00 - 17.00
-equestrian knight's tournament a "gallon Iłżeckiego honey "(Heavy Horse kopijnicza, archery, horse riding, shooting with a crossbow)
17.00 - 17.40 Live
-chess (Battle Orsza 1514)
17.40 - 18.30
-old shows artillery and musketeers
18.30 - 19.10
-fencing specimens historical fight with swords, meat cleavers, axes, swords and rapiers,
19.10 - 19.30
-presentation of the dance of the Renaissance,
19.30 - 20.10
-Battle of the castle,
20.10 - 21.00
-performance team Horpyna
21.00 - 21.40
-theater Fire - fighting gun fire
Day Two - Sunday 03/05/2009
15.00 - 15.30
-parade of troops participating in the tournament, the ceremonial entrance court of Queen Bona, greeting the Queen
- Ceremonial start of the second day of the tournament, greeting guests, (Lower Castle),
15.30 - 16.30
-presentation of songs and dance music in the former execution of the court and the court of Queen Bona castellan,
16.30 - 17.00
-parade drills and battle royal troops (halberdiers, musketeers, soldiers fighting two-handed swords)
17.00 - 18.00
-equestrian knight's tournament with a pot of honey Iłżeckiego (Heavy Horse kopijnicza, archery Racing, shooting with a crossbow) - The second part of the tournament, racing Hussar,
18.00 - 18.40 Live
-chess (Battle Kirholmem 1605)
18.40 - 19.30
-old shows artillery and musketeers
19.30 - 20.20
-shows historical fencing , fighting with swords, meat cleavers, axes, swords and rapiers, presentation of dance of the Renaissance,
20.20 - 20.40 Closing Ceremony
20.40 - 20.45
-Company of Knights of Sandomierz,
- Sandomierz Centre Cavalry,
-Brotherhood of Knights Town Nowa Deba,
-Kielce Brotherhood Artillery,
-Historical Fencing Team "Cohors from Presov (Slovakia)
-Brotherhood of Knights Castle Szydłów,
-Theater Fire and Historical Fencing" Scorpion "
-band Folk - Rock Horpyna.
-band music of the Renaissance.
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