Friday, April 29, 2011

How To Disguise Bulimia

is nice ....

.... I'm very impressed and writes the "hot''because the postman has just brought me a parcel .... its content is the broadcaster Gocha , which is master of knitting, and not only .... było w środku...

-chusta z falbanką zrobiona na drutach,
-motek włóczki na szydełko oraz spory kawał kanwy.....
..dziękuję Ci Gosiu za tą niespodziankę


... and I already sent Gosia Embroidery book about xxx, because he wants to try .... more on that here

(photo borrowed from Gosia)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Desert Eagle 50ae A Blanc

End and the Beginning ...

Uffff ... remoncik completed, and beginning preparations for the holidays .... more spiritual than the great fizyczny.Pitraszenia will not, because I was going "in the score." I will spend Christmas in the circle and coming down I know that it will be Christmas radosne.Zapomne means of all the hardships and efforts ... what I write! surely I love you and still like something to do, create, change .... the worst thing is that my crafts odłogiem.No is difficult, something for something. . after Christmas I'll be back to my dłubankowania and then I'll have to brag here on the blog for now ...... I have a huge gap over which a little regret, but it received greeting cards from colleagues blog for which I thank ... and already he praise

...od Oazy ..
                                                                      ..... From Eniutek

.... thank you Dear colleague, for wishes, for the beautiful cards and a memory ...

... And this is my humble Easter accent in a window in the kitchen

wishes to all of you:

Weather, sun, joy, Sunday, a lot of guests

On Monday, a lot of water-to for health and beauty. Much

colored eggs, merry Christmas, and


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Are You Aloud To Have Ibuprofen On Pesach?


On Saturday (16 April) we meet at 8.30 at harcówką. We take: food, tape, scissors, bibułę.Dodatkowo on each host: poster colors, 2 packets spaghetti noodles, and if it is possible to garden shears. The end of the planned collection of about 14th hour

On Sunday (17 April) we meet at 10 under harcówką in uniform.

On Friday (April 15) Uniformed meet at 18:30 on the square of John Paul II.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nintendo Points Card Generator Online

-is already mine .....

hours tearing away from the repair, I take away from ramiarza my "precious" embroidery xxx.
frame is modest, because embroidery also shows a modest person, but with a rich interior, and so just wanted to fit the frame .......
Picture this special for me, people hanging in the bedroom and fall asleep with his wisdom.

more about it here embroidery and here ...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Russian Bare Streamed

180th-One moment ...

remoncik .... and the kitchen will be completed. I plan, with the end of this week, come back normalcy tz.ze slalom I will not override the paint buckets with Cekol and that will not become a ladder in the middle of the kitchen and that, finally ..... I sit quietly at their needlework during breaks in ogródku.W podłubie Last Sunday the weather was beautiful, so I used it on a solid rest in my cottage garden .... resting plecki and legs, but HANDLE did not want to be able spoczynku.Przyzwyczajone for continuous gouging, took the needle, Moline, canvases already napoczętym motive and making crosses in the rays of sunshine, singing birds ..... zaspakajały plan that is my lady.

It arose in the meantime, but it is only a section of what will soon with this track and will also soon As ukonczoną Robot ....
pattern here

mind is with you, I miss my visits to your blog but ... a little more and I'll be back ...
; Meanwhile, sends you a nice and warm greetings

Friday, April 1, 2011

Famous Baseball Player #24

-Sentiment ...

I will not praise highly that I took in August for the renovation of the kitchen, but ... to prepare a kitchen for this activity, it had to be to empty the safe and poprzenosic place a lot of gadgets that give the kitchen is the kitchen ... the climate here and brag about the "it", which was once owned by my grandparents, and now I have and I'm very proud of ...
..... there are three large and charming smaller .....
among small ... is a corrupted "tooth of time" but is treated equally with the other ..

These treasures I have in the kitchen, a. .... in one of the rooms facing "something" that is associated with various projects, this is an old sewing machine interconnect technology, which is my śp.mama sew for a little girl (read the owner of this blog), different dresses, spódniczusie even sewed a this machine converted from a big coat.

.. sewing machine called Babcią.ale is the sentiment .....
... is for the girl below (read Ella0591) the sewing machine on the photo creations .... just a tiny Ela (ie me, the years of the 50th) in one of the dresses today called the machine sewn grandmother

.. I'm also here ... Coat uszytym in the machine, "Grandma," I remember very well ... it was the year 1957 ..


Thank you, that the destruction here, and Leaving the kind words ...
.... then we off to the kitchen to be restored, because the break I finished ...