Sunday, April 4, 2010

Pattycake Online Information

steam engine to the sun - again model (solar engine)

Solar Powered - another model of a famously - zabawkowo - education.

Photographs (trial version) and assembly drawing exempt from the need to provide a detailed description of construction, so only a few observations:
  • do not expect enough power to drive anything - motor only copes with its own resistance, particularly
  • attention is paid to the bearing of the flywheel and the perfect balance - I will add that little bit of dough the size of pinhead can overdo it on the operation of the engine,
  • photoelement - battery is as large as possible, but not exceeding the size of half the surface of the flywheel,
  • possible modifications to achieve the result at the filming of light such as incandescent light bulb.
; ; ; ;

At the end of the movie showing the operation of a motor wiosenego rays of the sun:

and yet it moves!