Upcoming events ...
Szydłów 27-28.06.09: XI Tournament for the Sword of King Casimir the Great in Szydlow
10.30 - Meeting of representatives Groups participating in the tournament
11.30 - 11.50 - The march from the group of All Saints Church by the market on Castle Square
12.00 - 13.00 - Holy Mass with the participation of half of the knights (attendance obligatory)
13.00 - 13.30 - Parade of groups participating in the tournament (group presentation)
- Formal start of the tournament and welcome
- Speeches occasional authorities
13.30 - 14.00 - The origins of the Polish State. Warriors Mieszko I - the show running from the period
X-XI century (Sandomierski Centre Cavalry)
14.00 - 14.40 - Staging of civic rights for Szydlow by Ladislaus the Short (Knights Fraternity and Dance Ensemble of Old Castle Szydłów, Team City Żarki as warriors Łokietek)
- Promotion of the coin Szydlow - Four Wladyslawa
- Medieval Manor - a medieval dance show (Dance Ensemble of Old Belriguardo, Dance Ensemble of Old Castle Szydłów)
14.40 - 16.00 - War Polish - Teutonic. Pedestrian fights and Polish cavalry from the period of the fifteenth century (skirmish Polish - Teutonic Order, a reference to the Battle of Grunwald, giving two naked swords - Barons' League, Team City Żarki, Sandomierz Centre Cavalry)
16.00 - 17.00 - The Golden Period of the Renaissance - the show Renaissance dance and customs of the manor (Dance Ensemble of Old Belriguardo, Dance Ensemble of Old Castle Szydłów, Company of Knights of Sandomierz)
- Tournament Archery
17.00 - 20.00 - The Seventeenth Century ... - shows autoramentu foreign troops from the seventeenth century Cossack
frolics (a reference to the parts of "Fire and Sword") - (Theatre of Fire and Historical Fencing), 25 min.
Swedish Deluge - a staging of "Zdradziejowskim" (Brotherhood of Knights Castle Szydłów) and the presentation of the Swedish army (Kielce Brotherhood artillery + Company of Knights of Sandomierz) - 45 min
seventeenth - century carousing, frolics and skirmishes of the Polish gentry (Szydłowiec, Dance Ensemble of Old Castle Szydłów ,) - 30 min
How Czarniecki ... - presentation Hussars XVII - century (Sandomierz Centre Cavalry) - 40 min.
seventeenth - century carousing, frolics and skirmishes of the Polish gentry (Griffin Szydłowiec, Dance Ensemble of Old Belriguaro) - 30 min
20.00 - 20.30 - March, march Dabrowski ...
- Polonaise in time to start ... (Dance Ensemble of Old Belriguardo)
- Introduction of the branch of the Napoleonic Wars (Kielce Brotherhood artillery)
20.30 - 21.00 - Summary of the tournament (the winner is archery, selecting the winner of the tournament and handing out swords Casimir the Great)
21.00 - 21.30 - Battle for the Castle
21.30 - 22.00 - dance show with fire (Theatre of Fire and Historical Fencing)
July '09 - Kuźnice Koneckie Sielpia 50 km from Kielce, organizer of the art - League Barons
2008-2009 Aug. '09 - The tournament in Olsztyn (k.Częstochowy) organizers include: Fellowship of the Knights Cities Żarki