Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Schematic For Boat Wiring Blogs

Upcoming events ...

Szydłów 27-28.06.09:
XI Tournament for the Sword of King Casimir the Great in Szydlow

10.30 - Meeting of representatives Groups participating in the tournament
11.30 - 11.50 - The march from the group of All Saints Church by the market on Castle Square
12.00 - 13.00 - Holy Mass with the participation of half of the knights (attendance obligatory)
13.00 - 13.30 - Parade of groups participating in the tournament (group presentation)
- Formal start of the tournament and welcome
- Speeches occasional authorities

13.30 - 14.00 - The origins of the Polish State. Warriors Mieszko I - the show running from the period
X-XI century (Sandomierski Centre Cavalry)
14.00 - 14.40 - Staging of civic rights for Szydlow by Ladislaus the Short (Knights Fraternity and Dance Ensemble of Old Castle Szydłów, Team City Żarki as warriors Łokietek)
- Promotion of the coin Szydlow - Four Wladyslawa
- Medieval Manor - a medieval dance show (Dance Ensemble of Old Belriguardo, Dance Ensemble of Old Castle Szydłów)
14.40 - 16.00 - War Polish - Teutonic. Pedestrian fights and Polish cavalry from the period of the fifteenth century (skirmish Polish - Teutonic Order, a reference to the Battle of Grunwald, giving two naked swords - Barons' League, Team City Żarki, Sandomierz Centre Cavalry)

16.00 - 17.00 - The Golden Period of the Renaissance - the show Renaissance dance and customs of the manor (Dance Ensemble of Old Belriguardo, Dance Ensemble of Old Castle Szydłów, Company of Knights of Sandomierz)
- Tournament Archery

17.00 - 20.00 - The Seventeenth Century ... - shows autoramentu foreign troops from the seventeenth century Cossack
frolics (a reference to the parts of "Fire and Sword") - (Theatre of Fire and Historical Fencing), 25 min.
Swedish Deluge - a staging of "Zdradziejowskim" (Brotherhood of Knights Castle Szydłów) and the presentation of the Swedish army (Kielce Brotherhood artillery + Company of Knights of Sandomierz) - 45 min
seventeenth - century carousing, frolics and skirmishes of the Polish gentry (Szydłowiec, Dance Ensemble of Old Castle Szydłów ,) - 30 min
How Czarniecki ... - presentation Hussars XVII - century (Sandomierz Centre Cavalry) - 40 min.
seventeenth - century carousing, frolics and skirmishes of the Polish gentry (Griffin Szydłowiec, Dance Ensemble of Old Belriguaro) - 30 min

20.00 - 20.30 - March, march Dabrowski ...
- Polonaise in time to start ... (Dance Ensemble of Old Belriguardo)
- Introduction of the branch of the Napoleonic Wars (Kielce Brotherhood artillery)

20.30 - 21.00 - Summary of the tournament (the winner is archery, selecting the winner of the tournament and handing out swords Casimir the Great)

21.00 - 21.30 - Battle for the Castle

21.30 - 22.00 - dance show with fire (Theatre of Fire and Historical Fencing)

2004-2005 July '09 - Kuźnice Koneckie
Sielpia 50 km from Kielce, organizer of the art - League Barons

2008-2009 Aug. '09 - The tournament in Olsztyn (k.Częstochowy)
organizers include: Fellowship of the Knights Cities Żarki

Where To Mount Cb Antenna On Suv

Arrears Terra


Slovakia / Warsaw 6-7.06.09
Photo Paulinus;)

May 30-31, Cross-ax
Photoreport Paulinus
Photoreport Lissu
Sandomir TV
Relation of Ujazd

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Masterbation With Teddy

It'll be nice .... or how to kick ass niedźwidziom! Long Way Round

"It'll be fun .... or how to kick ass niedźwidziom!" - Is surprising, exciting and full of unexpected twists and turns in the relationship of esoteric journey to the Pacific.

... for scientific discoveries give me Scott, for speed and efficiency give me Amundsen but when a disaster occurs and you lose all hope, fall down on my knees and pray for Iziego and Robert Movistar ...
(Edmund Hillary, conqueror of Mount Everest)

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